When you call a store to ask if they have a particular item in stock, you expect them to actually check. That’s not asking too much, is it? Well, maybe so.
Recently, Jack Vale called Walmart and Target to see if they had various products in stock…while a cohort was inside the store filming the employee to see if they actually looked for the items in question.
Hidden camera catches Walmart and Target employees lying to customer on the phone
21-year-old Henriette Jonassen wasn’t convinced that splitting her 2-year-old twins into separate rooms would help them fall asleep faster, as her friend suggested. But she was willing to try it.
Fortunately, she thought to setup a camera first…
Around 1:45 Mr. Left Door becomes awesomely hilarious!! Couldn’t stop laughing.
Ask any parent of twins… Yes, bedtime is actually this hilariously terrible