13 Animals Helping Other Animals in Need
It’s a dog-help-dog world out there.
1. Cat shares treats off the counter
source: jdk
2. Cat swings hammock
source: InvincibIe
3. The dog ferry
source: 1Voice1Life
4. Cat opens door
source: room23
5. Panda helps another panda up
source: LucheK
6. Horsey shares hay
source: RoseOfSharonCassidy
7. Cat helps stuck dog!
source: 1Voice1Life
8. Poochie opens door
source: InvincibIe
9. Cat grabs treat for dog
source: KingJeremy
10. Dog rescues puppy out of pool
source: InvincibIe
11. Crow feeds cat and dog
source: mash_me
12. Turtle assists flipped-over turtle
source: FartQuotes