Facts That Sound Like Huge Lies But Are Actually Completely True

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Facts That Sound Like Huge Lies But Are Actually Completely True


1. If you put your finger in your ear and scratch, it sounds just like Pac-Man. 2. The YKK on your zipper stands for “Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha.” 3. Maine is the closest U.S. state to Africa. 4. Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barbara Walters were born in the same year, 1929. 5. The name Jessica was created by Shakespeare in the play Merchant of Venice. 6. Cashews grow like this:


Via hort.cornell.edu


7. And pineapples grow like this:


hiyori13 / Via Flickr: hiyori13


8. Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than she did to the building of the Great Pyramid. 9. Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto. 10. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia. 11. Hippo milk is pink.


Via factslist.net


12. The toy Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. 13. Woody from Toy Story has a full name too — it’s Woody Pride. 14. And while we’re at it, Mr. Clean’s full name is Veritably Clean. 15. Oh, and Cookie Monster’s real name is Sid. 16. Carrots were originally purple. 17. The heart of a blue whale is so big, a human can swim through the arteries.


Via geekosystem.com


18. Vending machines are twice as likely to kill you than a shark is. 19. Home Alone was released closer to the moon landing than it was to today.


20th Century Fox


20. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire. 21. Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he’s an egg. 22. France was still executing people with a guillotine when the first Star Wars film came out. 23. Armadillos nearly always give birth to identical quadruplets. 24. Betty White is actually older than sliced bread.


Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images for TV Land


25. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. 26. A strawberry isn’t a berry but a banana is. 27. So are avocados and watermelon. 28. New York City is further south than Rome, Italy. 29. North Korea and Finland are separated by one country.


Via rsf.org

30. Mammoths went extinct 1,000 years after the Egyptians finished building the Great Pyramid.

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