28 Devastating Truths About Adulthood That Nobody Ever Tells You
1. Without warning, all your friends start getting engaged and having babies…
Disney Chanel / Via thedisneychannel.tumblr.com
And Facebook becomes a torture device.
2. Instead of being reassuring, checking your bank balance is like watching a countdown to homelessness.
ABC / Via afullhouse.tumblr.com
3. There is an expectation that waking up early becomes easier with time. It does not.
Disney Chanel / Via thedisneychannel.tumblr.com
4. You will constantly intend to start going to the gym…
The CW / Via gurl.com
…Regardless of if you ever actually do.
NBC / Via freshprinceofbelairgifs.tumblr.com
5. You work tirelessly 60 hours a week to earn money…for your tax collector and landlord.
6. And you spend the rest of your money* on attending weddings and baby showers.
ABC / Via mashable.com
*And vacation days. And emotional bandwidth.
7. No party, no matter how perfect, is as fun as being in bed without pants on.
Disney Channel / Via thedisneychannel.tumblr.com
8. And no significant other, no matter how compatible, is as loyal as Netflix and Hulu.
Disney Channel / Via tumblr.com
9. You cumulatively spend several years of your life just dusting and vacuuming and wiping things.
NBC / Via greenlydia.wordpress.com
10. You endure a lot of bizarre hair/makeup mishaps…
NBC / Via freshprinceofbelairgifs.tumblr.com
Before finally figuring out how you’re supposed to look.
ABC / Via afullhouse.tumblr.com
11. Eventually we all turn into our mothers and fathers. Generally, this is a privilege.
The CW / Via gurl.com
12. Your hangovers will always be far more painful than your drunkenness was fun.
Disney Channel / Via 90skid97.tumblr.com
13. You have to work to acquire things that used to just show up. Like utensils. And trashcans.
ABC / Via sabrinatheteenagewitchgifs.tumblr.com
14. The fairytale romance Disney reared you to want is much less enticing than finding someone who just gets you.
ABC / Via afullhouse.tumblr.com
15. When you’re professionally successful, people you haven’t talked to in years suddenly want to be your BFF.
16. And when you’re not, you’re the one sending “hey how’s it going” texts to people you haven’t spoken to in 10 years.
17. You at age 6: “I wanna be an astronaut!” You at age 22: “I’m writing to express interest in your unpaid internship.”
NBC / Via thats-so-raven.tumblr.com
18. Keeping a written account of your money situation is both useful and incredibly depressing.
ABC / Via vickki.tumblr.com
19. Online dating is when you swipe left, swipe right, swipe left, swipe right, swipe left, swipe right, lose hope.
Disney Channel / Via thedisneychannel.tumblr.com
20. And cooking is when you reheat takeout leftovers and add hot sauce.
21. Watching/reading/hearing every cool cultural phenomenon is a full-time job. Relevance is an unattainable myth.
The CW / Via thecarodiaries.com
22. Your interior decor will follow only one unified theme: cheap.
ABC / Via sabrinatheteenagewitchgifs.tumblr.com
23. You will never outgrow junk food cravings.
ABC / Via afullhouse.tumblr.com
They may just marginally decrease as you grow more and more aware of the state of your arteries.
24. No matter how “over it” you are, you will probably Facebook stalk an ex once or twice a week.
Disney Channel / Via thedisneychannel.tumblr.com
25. You will spend as much time trying to understand what a 401(k) is as you will reaping its benefits.
Disney Channel / Via perfectlyimperfectok.tumblr.com
Same for “credit score” and “pap smear.”
26. Everyone is living in a permanent state of inexplicable backache.
ABC / Via imgur.com
27. And that pair of pants you’ve kept for years because you’re sure you’ll fit back into them someday? Yep, OK, sure.
NBC / Via freshprinceofbelairgifs.tumblr.com