13 Secret Thoughts Your Dog Has While Protecting Your Home

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13 Secret Thoughts Your Dog Has While Protecting Your Home


Dogs are the keepers of the house and guardians against all evil that could threaten the family. They’re also really into barking at random stuff that makes a noise. Here are the thoughts that go through your dog’s mind as he’s being such a dedicated protector.

1. “Okay, don’t panic, but there miiiight be a—OH MY GOD IT’S A SQUIRREL! BARK!!”

Flickr: marakawalv

2. “It’s not that we don’t want you to come in… it’s just that our family’s reeeally special, so we’re going to have to see some ID and/or a butt-sniff check.”


3. “What’s that? What’s going on? Oh, the MAILMAN is here?! QUICK, EVERYONE CROWD THE GATE!”


4. “If you sit really still, they’ll think we’re statues… or they might give us a treat. Win/win.”


5. “I know you say they’re harmless, but I don’t trust those ladies with strollers. Not one bit.”


6. “What’s that? No, no, I was just checking my eyelids for inconsistencies… okay fine, I was napping. FINE.”


7. “Smile all ya want, lady, but you’re not getting in here. I’ve got a family to protect!”


8. “Listen, kid, if someone scary walks up here I want you to run away, okay? No time to be a hero. I wear the fur, so I do the protecting.”


10. “STOP! …….Whoops, false alarm, just the neighbors. Eh, might as well bark anyway!”


11. “Hypothetically speaking, would intruders even take me seriously if I had these clothes on? Oh well, until I grow thumbs, I’m stuck wearing whatever the humans put on me.”


12. “Oh, sure, you SAY that you’re family, and you LOOK like you’re family, but how can I know for sure? Gotta bark anyway!”


13. “Protecting the home is a way of life, you know? It’s more than a job. After all, who else will protect the family from some loudly swaying branches?”


So dedicated, so goofy. This makes me love dogs even more.

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