10 Words That Sound Dirty, Naughty or Sexy
But Aren’t
What It Sounds Like: Unit of measurement equaling 2000 sex acts.
What It Means: Person who tends to a churchyard.
What It Sounds Like: The vajayjay, but with a more commanding Roman Empire sound to it.
What It Means: The crying of a newborn baby.
What It Sounds Like: The reason your parents are banging on your bedroom door. Or bathroom door. Or why they say you’re not fooling anyone under that blanket.
What It Means: To chew food.
What It Sounds Like: How to say “copulate” when you’re too busy doing it to even finish saying it.
What It Means: A verb that connects a sentence’s subject to its complement.
What It Sounds Like: The funny Italian word for “humping.”
What It Means: The serious Finnish word for a type of national dance music.
What It Sounds Like: A device used to gauge one’s enjoyment or effectiveness.
What It Means: A device used to measure the moisture in processed vegetables.
What It Sounds Like: Smells like sex
What It Means: Smells like the reddish-brown substance secreted by male deer when marking their territory.
What It Sounds Like: A combination of “penetrate” and “entrance.”
What It Means: The percentage of people with a particular gene mutation who exhibit the disorder that gene creates.
What It Sounds Like: You know exactly what it sounds like.
What It Means: The dot over an “i” or “j.”
What It Sounds Like: The whole package down there.
What It Means: A small town in upstate New York.